Affordable Luxury only buys and sells authentic items. We guarantee that all items are authentic and offer a lifetime guarantee of authenticity when you buy an item from us.
At first glance, it may seem relatively easy to distinguish a authentic item from a copy. Many times it is, but not always. There are so-called "obvious" and "bad" copies, but with the increased demand and trade in luxury products around the world, today's copies have improved considerably and for the average person it is usually almost impossible to distinguish a really good copy from an authentic product.
When it comes to authentication, Affordable Luxury's experts possess cutting-edge expertise and we therefore differ from many other working in this industry. We have a solid knowledge and many years of experience in authentication, which means that Affordable Luxurys' experts have an extraordinary ability to distinguish even the best copy from an authentic product.
Authenticating a product can sometimes require several and relatively many steps to be inspected and compared in detail. In addition to inspecting the outer material, hardware, date codes/serial numbers, labels, etc. it may be necessary to smell and feel carefully the material of the bag, study small seams and other details and their locations.
Before we buy a product, it always undergoes a thorough final check by our own experts. We have zero tolerance for trade mark infringement and consequently copies. In summary, you can always feel safe when buying from ALS.
Please note that we are an independent company and have no co-operation with any of the companies whose products we sell.